Women are suppressed, oppressed; they have no equal position in society like man. Islam restrains women from their rights. We are accustomed with such objection about woman’s position in Islam. Someone claims that Islam dishonor woman and treat her as inferior. But the Holy Qur’an declared “And their Lord has accepted (their prayers) and answered them (saying): ‘Never will I cause to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female; you are members, one of another… (3:195).”
The status of woman in Islam is unique. Islam is the religion which saves the new born female baby from being buried. Islam gives woman her proper position in society and honor him with high respect as mother. Before discussing the position and empowerment of woman in Islam let me sketch a scenario of woman’s position before Islam.
In pre-Islamic period woman was regarded as the source of sin and moral and spiritual depravity in India. An Indian wife used to call her husband ‘my lord’ or even ‘my god’ as he is regarded as her earthly god. She never ate with him. She had to follow a few yards behind him when both walked together. She was the chattel of her husband and submits to her children. The rule of inheritance was agnatic. They were looked upon sexual relationships between man and woman as loathsome and evil.
In Greek, women were forced to marry without her consent. They were bound to obey their male kinsmen. Women in Greece were three types 1. Prostitute, who are for man’s satisfaction only. 2. The mistresses and their main task were to look after the body and health of their lords, husband. 3. The third group was the wives whose duty was to bear and bring up children and look after them in the same way as nannies do. Their status never rose higher than that.
A Roman woman was something like a purchased property of her husband. Thus she was like a slave acquired solely for her lord’s benefits. She was not allowed to take part in any civil or public affairs. That is to say, she could not be a trustee, a witness. She was just piece furniture to decorate a man’s abode. During those days if a woman married, she and her property passed into the power of husband.
On the ground of woman position in Islam in the question of social equality someone argued that social position of Muslim woman as inferior on the basis of Islamic teachings of guardianship of marriage, polygamy, divorce, and purda. An objection is often raised in regard the system of marriage that the parents choose a husband for the girl and she is to be allowed him as her husband.
But, Islam totally rejects the notion that man is dignified and honored because he is man and woman is low and mean simply because she is woman. Both man and woman are equal in the light of Islam. Neither the inferiority of anyone nor superiority of anybody. The Holy Quran declared that “Whoever works righteousness, man and woman, and has faith, verily, to him will we give a new life that is good pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions” (16:97)
Islam assigns different activity for both, man and woman.The field of man is outside the home and for woman is her house. Generally two objections are focused against woman’s position in Islam. First one is the great responsibility of household affairs and second one is because of the first claim woman are confined in her house. They argued that Islam restrain woman from social and economic development, public affairs activities.
Islam highlights that the proper place for woman is her house, not market. For the basic and moral education and training of the child mother is more suitable.
It has become an established fact that there is no better nourishment for a child than the milk of mother. If a mother does not stay at home and engage herself in outside activities, she cannot set herself for breast feeding. And a child grows up without proper nourishment where woman is designed as nation maker. In the honor of woman prophet (sm) said “A man who has a daughter and he neither despises her nor buried her alive nor prefer son to daughter, Allah will admit him in heaven.” (abu daud)
According to Islam, society is responsible for the protection of human rights. Islam permits woman, within the limits of sariah, to participate in the economic affairs. No one interfere in this matter. Even her husband has no right to make use of her personal wealth. The Quran has declared “And covet not the thing in which Allah hath made some of you excel other. Unto man a fortune from that which they have earned and unto woman a fortune from that which they have earned. But ask Allah for his bounty. Allah is full knowing of all things.” (4:32)
Islam has granted equal rights to both, man and woman. It provides equal opportunity to both of them for the progress and prosperity of life. It guarantees the protection of their lives, property and honor. Islam declares “They are raiment for you and you are raiment for them” (2:187)
Acquiring knowledge is highly emphasized in Islam. This is an integral part of Islam. In the case of acquiring knowledge, have no any distinction based on sex. Both, male and female, are equally emphasized. Prophet (sm) said: “To acquire knowledge is compulsory on all believers, both, male and female” (Fath-al-kabil) Holy prophet also said “seek knowledge from the cradle to the graveyard.” These hadith has revealed a message that there has no distinction between man and woman. There is a view in ordinary Muslim that woman is not allowed to go to mosque for prayer. But holy prophet (sm) said: “When a wife of one of you asks for permission for go to mosque, she should not be refused” (Muslim and Bukhari)
The women who wants to go to mosque for prayer, was neither allowed to mix with men in the congregation nor stand in the front rows. There is a clear statement of prophet (sm) “The best place for woman is at the rear”
Islam provides full protection to rights of woman. The rights granted to her by Islamic shariah cannot be taken away by any man. Once, a man had married his daughter with a rich man. But the girl did not like him, so she complained to the Holy prophet and said “My father has married me with his wealthy nephew so that he may get some benefits.” The Holy prophet replied “If you do not like this marriage, then you are free” She replied, “I uphold my father’s decision. By this complaint I intended to tell my fellow woman that their fathers have no right to marry them against their will” (Musnad Ahmad)
Islam does not lay any restriction on spiritual, social, economic and political activities of woman. The Holy Quran declared “Every soul will be held in pledge for its deeds” (74:38)
Islam granted the right of independent ownership of economic rights to woman. Islam has laid down certain condition as a code of conduct for her to be strictly observed in every economic effort. A woman is basically responsible for the management of her household. She is the caretaker of the children. Therefore, it will not to be permissible for her to take any kind of financial activities which may be burden or as obstacle on her prime duties and responsibilities. She is not allowed at any work outside home where free mixing with man is unavoidable.
With due regard to these restrictions, rather we should say ‘the safety limits’ she can enter any permitted work. The Holy Quran addressed: “And covet not the thing in which Allah hath made some of you excel other. Unto man a fortune from that which they have earned and unto woman a fortune from that which they have earned. But ask Allah for his bounty. Allah is full knowing of all things.” (4:32)
Whatever a woman gets from her parents, husband and offspring under the law of Islamic shariah or whatever she obtains through her own economic efforts, she is rightful owner of it all, and is entitled to spend it as she likes.
Before the advent of Islam women didn’t possess any right. They were treated as a matter of recreation. The new born female child was buried alive. In this situation Islam gave the right to live. The Prophet (sm) declared: “The person who brings up to daughters until they attain maturity, on the day of reckoning, he and I will be like this. And saying these words he brought his fingers together” (Muslim)
When Islam appears in Arabia, woman held a very low position in society. They were slaves and chattel. When a man, having many wives, died, they were inherited by his sons like moveable property. It was a mark of dishonor for any man to have a daughter. But the religion of peace, Islam declared: “They have rights similar to those against them, in a just manner” (2:228) The Holy Quran asserted the dignity of woman: “They are apparel for you, and you are apparel for them” (2:188)
In regard to religious duties, The Quran recognizes no distinction between man and woman. Their obligations towards Allah are similar as man. The position of both, male and female is equal in the eye of Allah. The Holy Quran declares: “Men shall benefit what they achieve and acquire and woman shall benefit what they achieve and acquire” (4:32)
The position of woman is secure as far as inheritance is concerned. Although women have given half the share of man, their financial situation in the long term is guaranteed. This is due to the fact that the marriage contract gives her the right to ask for mahr as well as claim maintenance.
Marriage in Islam regarded as a strong bond and a total commitment to life, to society and to being respectable human. Islam views marriage as a natural course for woman in the same way as it is for man. Marriage guarantees woman some form of economic security. The Quran declares: “Marry among woman who is lawful to you” (4:3)
Islam holds importance on monogamy but in some special circumstances Islam allows polygamy under a strict condition that man must be able to be fair and just to each of them. If he is not able to be so, he should marry only one wife. The Quran declares: “And if you have no reason to fear that you might not act equitably towards orphans, then marry from among other women such as are lawful to you, even two, three, or four: but if you have reason to fear that you might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then only one or from among those whom you rightfully posses. This will make it more likely that you will not deviate from the right course” (4:3)
The conditions for polygamy are:
- When a wife is barren and cannot bear children, but the husband want children.
- If the first wife is chronically ill and she is unable to carry out her marital and household duties.
Polygamy may be the solution to the problems of a society which has more women than men.
Islam does not treat with woman as commodity which can be purchased. She has an independent identity. After marriage the first obligation upon a man in regard to his wife is to give her mahr fixed at the time of marriage. The mahr is no way a payment for conjugal rights. Conjugal rights are far too precious to be equated with what is normally given as mahr. The amount of mahr is in a fact, a token sum of money, which is symbolizes in material form, and the responsibility that a man has to fulfill is regarded to his wife till his last breath. The Quran declared: “And give the woman their mahr as a free gift” (4:4)
Islam does not treat with woman as commodity which can be purchased. She has an independent identity. After marriage the first obligation upon a man in regard to his wife is to give her mahr fixed at the time of marriage. The mahr is no way a payment for conjugal rights. Conjugal rights are far too precious to be equated with what is normally given as mahr. The amount of mahr is in a fact, a token sum of money, which is symbolizes in material form, and the responsibility that a man has to fulfill is regarded to his wife till his last breath. The Quran declared: “And give the woman their mahr as a free gift” (4:4)
Islam regards that woman must cover their whole body except face, hands and feet while inside the house. But they are also required to cover their whole body including a part of the face while going out or meeting adult males, outsides close relatives. Some Islamic jurists allow the face to remain uncovered. The Quran declared: “O Children of Adam! Indeed, we have bestowed upon you from the high [the knowledge of making] garments to cover your nakedness, and as a thing of beauty: but the garment of God-consciousness is the best of all. Herein lies a message from God, so that man might take it to heart” (7:26)
As mother woman is treated with great respect in Islam. The noble Quran enjoins Muslims to show to their mother and serve them well even if they are still unbelievers.
Hazrat Abu Huraira reported that “once a man come to Prophet and asked who deserves the best care from me? The Prophet replied your mother (he repeated three times) than your father than your relatives.”
Women also have political rights in Islam. The Quran declared: “The men and the women they are supporters of each other” (9:71)
Women also have political rights in Islam. The Quran declared: “The men and the women they are supporters of each other” (9:71)
Supporters not only socially – even politically – Politically, men and women should support each other. Islam gives women the right to vote. The Quran declared: “O Prophet when the believing women come to thee with an oath of fealty”. (60:12)
Here, the word oath is translated in Arabic as ‘Bayat’ – And ‘Bayat’ means much more than our modern, present day election, – because Prophet (sm), he was not only the messenger of Allah, but he was also the head of the state.
And women came to the Prophet and they agreed with him being the head of the state.
So Islam gives the woman even the right to vote and can even take part in law making.
So Islam gives the woman even the right to vote and can even take part in law making.
And according to the famous Hadith in which Hazrat Umar (r), he was discussing with the Sahabas, and considering putting an upper limit on the ‘Meher ’, since young men were discouraged from getting married – a lady from the back seat she objected and said When the Qur’an says in Surah Nisa that “you can even give a heap of treasure, a heap of gold in ‘Meher”, when Qur’an puts no limit on ‘Meher’, who is Umar to put a limit.And immediately Hazrat Umar (r) he said “Umar is wrong and the lady is right”.Women have even taken part in the battle fields.
There is a full chapter in the Sahih Bukhari mentioning women in the battle field – Women gave water – they give first aid to the soldiers
And there is a particular mention of a woman by the name of Nasiba, who were among the few, who protected our beloved Prophet during the battle of Ohud
Because the Qur’an says ‘Man is the protector of the ‘Woman.’
Because the Qur’an says ‘Man is the protector of the ‘Woman.’
Under normal circumstances, the women should not go to the battle field. It is the duty of the man. Only when required, under necessity are women allowed – and they should go to the battle field – Otherwise not.
Now I want to make conclusion with an example. Islam believes in equality between men and women. Suppose in a classroom 2 students, student ‘A’ and ‘B’, during an examination both come out first – Both score 80 out of 100. Out of the hundreds of students, 2 come out first ‘A’ and ‘B’. When you analyze the question paper, the question paper has 10 different questions, each carrying 10 marks. In question 1 student ‘A’ got 9 out of 10, and student ‘B’ got 7 out of 10 – So in question 1 student ‘A’ was higher than student ‘B’. In question 2, student ‘A’ got 7 out of 10 and student ‘B’ got 9 out of 10,
Now I want to make conclusion with an example. Islam believes in equality between men and women. Suppose in a classroom 2 students, student ‘A’ and ‘B’, during an examination both come out first – Both score 80 out of 100. Out of the hundreds of students, 2 come out first ‘A’ and ‘B’. When you analyze the question paper, the question paper has 10 different questions, each carrying 10 marks. In question 1 student ‘A’ got 9 out of 10, and student ‘B’ got 7 out of 10 – So in question 1 student ‘A’ was higher than student ‘B’. In question 2, student ‘A’ got 7 out of 10 and student ‘B’ got 9 out of 10,
- Student ‘B’ was higher than student ‘A’ in question number 2. In question 3 both of them got 8 out of 10, both were equal. So when we add up the marks of all the ten questions, both student ‘A’ and ‘B’ got 80 out of 100. So in short, student ‘A’ and student ‘B’ are over all equal. In some question ‘A’ is higher than ‘B’, in some question ‘B’ is higher than ‘A’, in others both is equal.
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