Defining democracy
Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by their representatives, and the rulers are held accountable for their actions to the public realm. Thomas Jefferson defined democracy as liberty and argued that without liberty life was not worth living. Famous English poet Eliot defined democracy as the most sanctified political term, and over time it has left almost no enemy. Even today nobody dares to talk against democracy. Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as the government of the people, by the people, for the people. In sum, the purpose of democracy is to establish a social order based on justice. Nonetheless, the success of democracy depends on existence of a large middle class and the development of political culture where people from all form of life can freely participate in the political process to select their leader who is committed to work and live in competition, co-operation and compromise, and not in confrontation and enmity.
Defining Islam
The term Islam is an Arabic word derives from another two Arabic words: “Salam” meaning peace and “Silm” meaning submission. Therefore the meaning of Islam is peace which could be achieved through the submission to the will of Almighty ALLAH. Frithjof Schuon introduced Islam, in his book understanding Islam, as the meeting between Allah and man. Islam, therefore, stands for a commitment to surrender men will to the will of Almighty Allah. In the historical meaning of Islam, Yousuf Ali explained in his book: The meaning of glorious Qur’an, all religion was one, for the truth is one, and only the identity differs such as the Muslims, Christians and so on. It was the religion preached by the earlier prophets and the truth taught by all the inspired books. In essence it amounts to a consciousness of the will and plan of Allah and a submission to that will and plan.
Democracy in Islam
Islam or submission to Allah is defining as the faith and peace as the teachings of the Qur’an: for realization of human worth and as a way of life, teaches social ethics, morality, and virtues such as honesty, kindness, wisdom and righteousness. Again, the Holy Quran warns against jealousy, anger and asked for extend charity, pardon men, enjoining what is right and forbidden what is wrong.
With such prescription Islam stands for personal salvation and individual destiny. The Holy Quran determines individual’s relationship with Allah by performing certain duties and rights. Every human being, men and women, are alone responsible to God for what he or she does. The Holy Quran declares: surely, we have sent my representatives on earth. Again it declares: and I did not created jinn and mankind to do anything without my prayer. The Holy Quran also declares: whatever good a person earn is for his own benefit, and whatever evil he earns is only against him. (4:85). Individual responsibility is insisted on as the keynote of Islam.
For a conduct a moral human life, the concept of tolerance, freedom equality has been strongly enforced in Islam. Holy Quran declares: There be no compulsion is religion (2:256).
Islam does not permit the use of force on others to accept anything. To every people we have appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow (22:67). The principle of Islam “unto you your religion and unto me mine” falsifies the inaccurate interpretations that Islam is intolerant, a religion of sword, and confirms Islam’s broad band of liberalism. Islam opposes any kind of compulsion, suppression, oppression, rejects all forms of discrimination and inequality on the grounds of religious identity, race, color and sex. It firmly believes in the complex equality of human being.
Islam has laid down universal fundamental rights for humanity. The main teaching of Quran is to establish freedom and liberty, Freedom and liberty from oppressions, injustice and inequality. One of the great misinterpretations of Islam is, Islam consider woman as inferior to man and it does not offer equal rights of man and woman. But we see one of the main campaigns of prophet (sm) was to establishment of equal status for the woman. The holy Quran declares: women shall have rights similar to men (2:228). Like all other equal position, Islamic marriage is a civil contract between equals, terminable by the will of either party. Despite the equality of man and woman as husband and wife, Quran declares: men have a degree of advantage over women, because Allah has made men as the caretaker of women, and has given them more strength, because they support them from their means. It has been done to establish social balance. John L. Esposito has wrote in his book Islam: the straight path “the Quranic reforms gave rights of inheritance to wives, daughters, sisters and grandmothers of the deceased, all of whom had before no status and rights”. M. M. Pikthal comments on his book the cultural side of Islam that the prophet of Islam is the greatest feminist the world has ever known. He also comments that the law of Islam, the sharia, as sacred and as the law of kindness, and is greater than the rules laid down at any periods, that women rights increased with her responsibility.
The citizens in an Islamic state have the right to differ means the right to give free opinion and settle down your differences by mutual consultation and on majority opinion. This confirms that the existence of opposition parties in the Islamic political system. Holy Quran declares: And consult with them upon the conduct of affairs (3:59). Consultation is needed. Abdullah Yousuf Ali explained in his book the meaning of holy Quran that the conduct in human life should be open and determined by mutual consultation between those who are entitled to a voice, i.e. in private domestic affairs, as between husband and wife, or other responsible member of the household; in affairs of business as between partners or parties concerned; and in state affairs, as between different departments of government. Islamic state should be based on the concept of the people or through consultation among themselves. However, the Quran itself or prophet even did not define about succession; so the succession of government or authority has to be resolved by the political concepts of Quran. Manzur Ahmad has wrote in his book Islamic political system in modern age: theory and practice the Islamic concepts- ummah, shariah, shura, and khuruj provide a set of norms which are quite consistent with the operative ideals of modern liberal democracy, and these can very well be realized within the framework of contemporary forms of democratic government.
The conduct of governance on the basis of mutual consultation is possible only when the citizens enjoy freedom and democratic rights. The people in a true Islamic state should, therefore, be in possession of freedom and equality of opportunity. The Quranic message clearly stands against dictatorship and oppressor. The rulers in an Islamic state should be elected, and enjoy the consent and confidence of the people.
In an Islamic state as in democracy too, the representatives of the people are to be the servant of the people and not their master. Rule by representatives and consultations means there should be a parliament or consultative body, and all the matters relating to the state and government must be discussed in the forum or house as is done in a democratic system. This marks the government of an Islamic state subordinate to the law and confirms the supremacy of the law against theological practices in some Islamic countries. The great Islamic scholar, Imam Abu Hanifa, opposed the use of force as illegitimate and argued that the true khaliphat depends on the consultation with the people. Imam Abu Hanifa demanded for independent judiciary free from the influence of executive authority. He argued for such power to judiciary that judges should apply powers to the rulers if the rulers interfere in the rights of the people, an idea that large part of the modern world is struggling to implement.
Islam also believes in a free competitive economy, a necessary condition for democratic growth. The Holy Quran says: of the bounties of thy lord we bestow freely on all- These as well as those; the bounties of the lord are not closed (17:20). This means that Islam encourages economic enterprise.
In state affairs, sovereignty of Allah Vs. sovereignty of people is the most important but ongoing debate concerning Islam and democracy. Democracy stands on popular sovereignty while most Islamic interpreters claim that the sovereignty of state belongs to Allah. Sovereignty of Allah again and again has uttered in holy Quran “that to Allah belonged the domain of the heavens and the earth” (2:107). Allah has uttered in Holy Quran that to Allah belong the domain of heaven and the earth (2:107). Allah has power over all things (5:40). Such verses in the Quran clearly tells us that the sovereignty of Allah is universal and do not limit to the state only. According to Islam, human beings are the representative of Allah. The holy Quran declares: Allah has said I want to create my representatives on earth Holy Quran says It is He who has made you His agents, inheritors of the earth (2:30)
On this point professor D. Rothermund pointed out that the temporal sovereignty of people is not in contradiction with universal and divine sovereignty of people resists the rise of any undemocratic authority, and Islam too, there is no scope for any unconstitutional or arbitrary government.
After above discussion the relationship of Islam and democracy disprove the existing stereotype that Islam is not democratic. Huntington’s argument that Islam is congenial to democratic atmosphere. Since Islam rejects the hereditary principles of politics, equality would constitute the basis of representative government. Quranic verses on liberty and freedom, right to differ, consultation and consensus, majority opinion, compromise, tolerance, equality of male and female are the basis of modern democracy. In the light of above discussion I may conclude that Islam and democracy both are inter-related. Basic concepts of Islam and the elements of modern democracy are the same.
Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by their representatives, and the rulers are held accountable for their actions to the public realm. Thomas Jefferson defined democracy as liberty and argued that without liberty life was not worth living. Famous English poet Eliot defined democracy as the most sanctified political term, and over time it has left almost no enemy. Even today nobody dares to talk against democracy. Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as the government of the people, by the people, for the people. In sum, the purpose of democracy is to establish a social order based on justice. Nonetheless, the success of democracy depends on existence of a large middle class and the development of political culture where people from all form of life can freely participate in the political process to select their leader who is committed to work and live in competition, co-operation and compromise, and not in confrontation and enmity.
Defining Islam
The term Islam is an Arabic word derives from another two Arabic words: “Salam” meaning peace and “Silm” meaning submission. Therefore the meaning of Islam is peace which could be achieved through the submission to the will of Almighty ALLAH. Frithjof Schuon introduced Islam, in his book understanding Islam, as the meeting between Allah and man. Islam, therefore, stands for a commitment to surrender men will to the will of Almighty Allah. In the historical meaning of Islam, Yousuf Ali explained in his book: The meaning of glorious Qur’an, all religion was one, for the truth is one, and only the identity differs such as the Muslims, Christians and so on. It was the religion preached by the earlier prophets and the truth taught by all the inspired books. In essence it amounts to a consciousness of the will and plan of Allah and a submission to that will and plan.
Democracy in Islam
Islam or submission to Allah is defining as the faith and peace as the teachings of the Qur’an: for realization of human worth and as a way of life, teaches social ethics, morality, and virtues such as honesty, kindness, wisdom and righteousness. Again, the Holy Quran warns against jealousy, anger and asked for extend charity, pardon men, enjoining what is right and forbidden what is wrong.
With such prescription Islam stands for personal salvation and individual destiny. The Holy Quran determines individual’s relationship with Allah by performing certain duties and rights. Every human being, men and women, are alone responsible to God for what he or she does. The Holy Quran declares: surely, we have sent my representatives on earth. Again it declares: and I did not created jinn and mankind to do anything without my prayer. The Holy Quran also declares: whatever good a person earn is for his own benefit, and whatever evil he earns is only against him. (4:85). Individual responsibility is insisted on as the keynote of Islam.
For a conduct a moral human life, the concept of tolerance, freedom equality has been strongly enforced in Islam. Holy Quran declares: There be no compulsion is religion (2:256).
Islam does not permit the use of force on others to accept anything. To every people we have appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow (22:67). The principle of Islam “unto you your religion and unto me mine” falsifies the inaccurate interpretations that Islam is intolerant, a religion of sword, and confirms Islam’s broad band of liberalism. Islam opposes any kind of compulsion, suppression, oppression, rejects all forms of discrimination and inequality on the grounds of religious identity, race, color and sex. It firmly believes in the complex equality of human being.
Islam has laid down universal fundamental rights for humanity. The main teaching of Quran is to establish freedom and liberty, Freedom and liberty from oppressions, injustice and inequality. One of the great misinterpretations of Islam is, Islam consider woman as inferior to man and it does not offer equal rights of man and woman. But we see one of the main campaigns of prophet (sm) was to establishment of equal status for the woman. The holy Quran declares: women shall have rights similar to men (2:228). Like all other equal position, Islamic marriage is a civil contract between equals, terminable by the will of either party. Despite the equality of man and woman as husband and wife, Quran declares: men have a degree of advantage over women, because Allah has made men as the caretaker of women, and has given them more strength, because they support them from their means. It has been done to establish social balance. John L. Esposito has wrote in his book Islam: the straight path “the Quranic reforms gave rights of inheritance to wives, daughters, sisters and grandmothers of the deceased, all of whom had before no status and rights”. M. M. Pikthal comments on his book the cultural side of Islam that the prophet of Islam is the greatest feminist the world has ever known. He also comments that the law of Islam, the sharia, as sacred and as the law of kindness, and is greater than the rules laid down at any periods, that women rights increased with her responsibility.
The citizens in an Islamic state have the right to differ means the right to give free opinion and settle down your differences by mutual consultation and on majority opinion. This confirms that the existence of opposition parties in the Islamic political system. Holy Quran declares: And consult with them upon the conduct of affairs (3:59). Consultation is needed. Abdullah Yousuf Ali explained in his book the meaning of holy Quran that the conduct in human life should be open and determined by mutual consultation between those who are entitled to a voice, i.e. in private domestic affairs, as between husband and wife, or other responsible member of the household; in affairs of business as between partners or parties concerned; and in state affairs, as between different departments of government. Islamic state should be based on the concept of the people or through consultation among themselves. However, the Quran itself or prophet even did not define about succession; so the succession of government or authority has to be resolved by the political concepts of Quran. Manzur Ahmad has wrote in his book Islamic political system in modern age: theory and practice the Islamic concepts- ummah, shariah, shura, and khuruj provide a set of norms which are quite consistent with the operative ideals of modern liberal democracy, and these can very well be realized within the framework of contemporary forms of democratic government.
The conduct of governance on the basis of mutual consultation is possible only when the citizens enjoy freedom and democratic rights. The people in a true Islamic state should, therefore, be in possession of freedom and equality of opportunity. The Quranic message clearly stands against dictatorship and oppressor. The rulers in an Islamic state should be elected, and enjoy the consent and confidence of the people.
In an Islamic state as in democracy too, the representatives of the people are to be the servant of the people and not their master. Rule by representatives and consultations means there should be a parliament or consultative body, and all the matters relating to the state and government must be discussed in the forum or house as is done in a democratic system. This marks the government of an Islamic state subordinate to the law and confirms the supremacy of the law against theological practices in some Islamic countries. The great Islamic scholar, Imam Abu Hanifa, opposed the use of force as illegitimate and argued that the true khaliphat depends on the consultation with the people. Imam Abu Hanifa demanded for independent judiciary free from the influence of executive authority. He argued for such power to judiciary that judges should apply powers to the rulers if the rulers interfere in the rights of the people, an idea that large part of the modern world is struggling to implement.
Islam also believes in a free competitive economy, a necessary condition for democratic growth. The Holy Quran says: of the bounties of thy lord we bestow freely on all- These as well as those; the bounties of the lord are not closed (17:20). This means that Islam encourages economic enterprise.
In state affairs, sovereignty of Allah Vs. sovereignty of people is the most important but ongoing debate concerning Islam and democracy. Democracy stands on popular sovereignty while most Islamic interpreters claim that the sovereignty of state belongs to Allah. Sovereignty of Allah again and again has uttered in holy Quran “that to Allah belonged the domain of the heavens and the earth” (2:107). Allah has uttered in Holy Quran that to Allah belong the domain of heaven and the earth (2:107). Allah has power over all things (5:40). Such verses in the Quran clearly tells us that the sovereignty of Allah is universal and do not limit to the state only. According to Islam, human beings are the representative of Allah. The holy Quran declares: Allah has said I want to create my representatives on earth Holy Quran says It is He who has made you His agents, inheritors of the earth (2:30)
On this point professor D. Rothermund pointed out that the temporal sovereignty of people is not in contradiction with universal and divine sovereignty of people resists the rise of any undemocratic authority, and Islam too, there is no scope for any unconstitutional or arbitrary government.
After above discussion the relationship of Islam and democracy disprove the existing stereotype that Islam is not democratic. Huntington’s argument that Islam is congenial to democratic atmosphere. Since Islam rejects the hereditary principles of politics, equality would constitute the basis of representative government. Quranic verses on liberty and freedom, right to differ, consultation and consensus, majority opinion, compromise, tolerance, equality of male and female are the basis of modern democracy. In the light of above discussion I may conclude that Islam and democracy both are inter-related. Basic concepts of Islam and the elements of modern democracy are the same.
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