Saturday, February 26, 2011


Secularism, was first used by George Holyoake in 1846, is one of the most important intellectual revolutions in the history of medieval Europe. From its birth, secularism starts its journey with a view that state will be separated from religious affiliation. Another important nature of secularism is that religion is only individual affair and in worldly affairs religion have no role to control or lead human life. It mainly aroused to fight against Christian blasphemy laws. Great secularist scholar George Holyoake argues that : Secularism is a code of duty pertaining to this life founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or unbelievable (English Secularism, 35). In later he explain it as: Secularism is that which seeks the development of the physical, moral, and intellectual nature of man to the highest possible point, as the immediate duty of life — which inculcates the practical sufficiency of natural morality apart from Atheism, Theism or the Bible — which selects as its methods of procedure the promotion of human improvement by material means, and proposes these positive agreements as the common bond of union, to all who would regulate life by reason and ennoble it by service" (Principles of Secularism, 17). Secularism never denies religion but it denies the necessity and importance of religion in human life. In to-day’s trend term secularism is ascribed upon all where have no religious-spiritual code.

In a general way, we define secularism as a belief in the fulfillment of life in this world through material instrument, a belief in natural causation that there is a cause behind every event of nature located in natural laws, recognition of reason, free inquisition and conduct experiment as intermediary of human vocation, inviolability of each person irrespective of accidents of birth and inherent human rights to freedom and autonomy. Thus, worldliness, rationalism, scientism and humanism are the basic tenets of Secularism (Monirujjaman, Talukdar., Politics and Security of Bangladesh). The first and possibly most common perceptive of secular today stand in against to religious. According to this tradition, something is secular while it can be labeled with the worldly, civil and non-religious sphere of human life. Secular is evaluated against with anything that is regarded as holy, sacred, and inviolable. According to this formula something is secular when it is not worshipped, when it is not venerated, and secular idea is open for critique, judgment, and replacement. Since every man has absolute right to freedom of choice he could be as religious as he liked, but his religion would be his individual concern; he would not claim that others agree with him. The functions and opinion in support of secularism vary widely. In European laicism, it has been argued that secularism is an intellectual movement toward modernization of human society, and away from traditional religious values.

The development of secular movement has been in progress through the entire course of modern phase. Secularism came as an ultimate result of series of revolutionary brain and social renovation. The renaissance, reformation, enlightenment movement, industrialist revolution, democratic socialist theories- all these operate as a collective way to create a secularist ideology through rationalism and worldliness.

Secularism has much more impact on religion. A well established form of secular view about religion is that religion is only individual and spiritual concern and all the worldly affairs that human behavior, government so on will be treated from rational view where religion is unbearable and unacceptable. Western media used secularism as a tool of cultural aggression. On the name of globalization in this open cultural market weaker filtered into stronger cultural box and be mixed up. Through this nation lose its culture and religion loses its value. In this context Christianity is a burning example. Bible refers that Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s (Matthew 22:21). Talcott Parsons had written in Christianity (International Encyclopedia of the social sciences) that “It is also claim that Christianity itself, to some context, helped develop this (secularism) crucial social and intellectual transformation in modern society. Two aspects of Christianity are thought particularly conducive to the growth of secularism. These are (1) the Christian doctrine of two swords (Ceasar and God) and (2) the Christian view of human history as only an interim one between revelation and final fulfillment in the world beyond (Monirujjaman, Talukdar., Politics and Security of Bangladesh).

In the case of contradiction between religion and secularism almost all the religion excluding Islam and Sikhism implicitly or explicitly permit secularism and they drive out their religious belief from worldly affairs. It is interesting that two religions, Buddhism and Jainism, have no problem to go with secularism because alike secularism those two religion deal with human worldly affair. Though they have concept of mokkha but it does not make any problem for secularism. Hinduism, a container of tradition and rites, also accept it without hesitation but Abrahamic religion, Islam, strongly oppose it. A practicing Muslim never allow secularism if he or she truly believe in Allah. In Islam, Allah are the supreme authority of all and as His creature we, human beings, are His representatives in this world and here we are only to serve His order. As a student of religion I think that religion is nothing more than belief and belief is valueless without practice. So practice is the largest part of religion. As a Muslim when we believe that we are the servant of Almighty Allah than it’s our moral duty to serve Him and follow His command.

Secularism is less a culture or a way of life than an anti-culture and antagonism to an existing way of life or spirituality. It exists only to oppose theism and spirituality. Nevertheless its strongest supporters consider it to be a culture and themselves to be cultured. Secularism ruined the moral position of man. It freed us from accountability. General intention of secularism is to interpret all of life by purely naturalistic explanations as compared to the theological explanation of sacred religion. Surely last century had seen a gradual shift in man’s thinking from theological explanations to the purely scientific interpretation. Through which men become apart from religious texts and its moral teachings and expose religion as a valueless ideology. Once we lived in the fear of all-seeing Allah, Who is almighty and we felt His presence in every step of our life. We were in a sense of a powerful Being, which observing us leads all to be moral and create a sense of accountability. But secular concept of human life, the improvement of this life by material means, loose accountability and rise of criminality as its consequence.
The fundamentals of secularism are the improvement of this life by material means, that science is the available Providence of man, which it is good to do good "Whether there be other good or not, the good of the present life is good, and it is good to seek that good (English Secularism, 35). They prefer science to prove or explain anything and discourage religious practice. To them religion create obstacle in humanity and it is backdated in modern world. From the very beginning, secular movement has gotten mass people as their supporter because of extreme oppression of Christian church in medieval Europe. The consequence of religious fanaticism from medieval age till this present age helped the secularist to improve and established their ideology as a code of life against religious order.  Someone looks the secularism as the way of globalization which breaks the limitation of culture and mixed it up with another one and culture lost it unique point. Although secularism can definitely be understood as simply the absence of religion, it is also often treated as a philosophical structure with personal, political, cultural, and social implications.
When secularism was treated as a absence of religion in Western society, in India it take a new shape, Indian constitution define secularism as dhormo niropekkhaota and religious freedom.  Article 15 of Indian constitution declares that freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion, article 25, freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion, and article 26, freedom to manage religious affairs. Even so, India recognizes laws based on religion. Hindus, Muslims, and Christians are governed by their own religious laws. Thus, India does not really fit into any text book or scholarly definition of Secularism. It has, in fact, created its own brand of Secularism. In Bangladesh, President Seikh Mujibur Rahman had declared secularism as one of the principles of the state that drove the Bengali nationalist movement and Bangladesh Liberation war. After the assassination of Mujib in 1975, Military rulers include Islam instead of secularism as the principle of democratic state. I am not here to debate about religion and secularism but it is important to note that Islam is not only a religion which seeks happiness in afterlife it also deliver solution about worldly happy life.
In conclusion, I may put forward a question, is secularism a solution for world peace? Answer could be that a man who have enough money, power and opportunity and strongest to occupy something illegally then what will prevent him from his or her desire. In a secular society the most effective tool to prevent such is quite absence that is accountability, accountability with awe. Only religion can offer such situation where people think then understand about their position and hold a fear of All-Seeing God. Only then a society of accountability is possible to establish.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What is religion? Why we need it?

There have no any definite idea about religion, exactly what it is? Someone argued religion as a code of life. Someone hold it as a system of belief. On the other hand, someone claim it as the sigh of the oppressed people. From the very beginning of history, we find religion as the only of human being to satisfy their live. There of many arguments in favor of origin of religion but if we think about the theories we find one thing behind it, to save them; to lead a life with happy mood. It is clear to us from history that early human being had inclined or believed in religion in order to live with happiness as well as to lead a secure life.
The word ‘religion’ is derived from the Latin word ‘religare’ which means to bind together, to reconnect. Re is a prefix meaning "return," and ligare means "to bind;" in other words, "return to bondage." Greek philosopher Cicero replay, religion means’ to read over again.’
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary traces the word back to an old Latin word ‘religio’ meaning "taboo, restraint." The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction. "Religion" is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system," but it is more socially defined than personal convictions, and it entails specific behaviors, respectively.
In the definition of religion we may say "Religion is any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, a philosophy of life, and a worldview." Here worldview means, a set of basic, foundational beliefs concerning deity, humanity and the rest of the universe.
In the language of catholic encyclopedia religion………means the voluntary subjection of oneself to God.
Emile Durkheim holds that religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things, that is to say, things say apart and forbidden- beliefs and practices which unite, into a one single community, all those who adhere to them.
After all, the best definition of religion I have seen is in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It lists traits of religions rather than declaring religion to be one thing or another, arguing that the more markers present in a belief system, the more religious like it is:
·     Belief in supernatural being (God).
·     A distinction between sacred and profane objects.
·     Ritual acts focused on sacred objects.
·     A moral code believed to be sanctioned by the God.
·     Characteristically religious feelings (awe, sense of mystery, sense of guilt, adoration), which tend to be aroused in the presence of sacred objects and during the practice of ritual, and which are connected in idea with the God.
·     Prayer and other forms of communication with God.
·     A worldview or a general picture of the world as a whole and the place of the individual therein. This picture contains some specification of an over-all purpose or point of the world and an indication of how the individual fits into it.
·     A more or less total organization of one’s life based on the world view.
·     A social group bound together by the above.
Here we put a question, if these definitions are true than why we find more religion than one. George Bernard Shaw explain this “there is only one religion, though there are a hundred version of it”
From this discussion we find a common thing about religion, belief in super natural power, God, Allah. Every religion holds this belief as their primary concern. Though, we saw many idea about the belief of God e.g., monotheism, ditheism, polytheism, all of them their belief, God is true.
If we inter into the deeper understanding the religion we saw some supernatural events, God, Angels, Holy spirits, Prophet, life after death etc.
Because of highly religious concerning point, the nature of God in different religions are, in Christianity- the everlasting God, the Lord, and The creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not neither is weary. There is no searching of His understanding. (Isaiah, 40:28)
The nature of Allah expressing in Holy Quran is: “In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, and the Especially Merciful. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds - The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful” (1:1-3)
Nature of God expressing in Jews scripture is “I believe with perfect that the Creator, blessed by His name, is not a body, and that he is free from all the accidents of matter, and that He is not any form whatsoever.” (Moses Maimonides, thirteen principle, article 3)
Hindu religious scriptures describe the nature of God as “You are the original Lord, the original personality, you the supreme refuse of the universe, the knower and the knowable and supreme abode; by Your infinite form all the universe is pervaded” (Vagavad Gita, 11:38)
In present world religion has been treated as an obstacle in development, humanity etc. But documents show us religion is the only way to insure and preserve harmony and peace. Without religion morality is fake. No society can live longer without religion. Now let me shows the argument in favor of it.
One of the most elusive objectives of every human being is "Happiness." The Noble religious scriptures reveal the secret of attaining perfect happiness in this life and forever. We learn from the religious texts that happiness is an exclusive quality of the soul. Thus, a body that attains all the material successes it longs for - money, power, fame, etc. - often belongs to an unhappy person. Happiness depends totally on the degree of growth and development attained by the soul, the real person. The Holy Qur'an provides a detailed map towards perfect happiness for both body and soul, both in this world and in the eternal Hereafter. “Absolutely, Allah’s allies have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. They are those who believe and lead a righteous life. For them, joy and happiness in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. This is God’s unchangeable law. Such is the greatest triumph.” (10:62-64)
Christian religious scripture narrates happiness: Happy are those “who reject the advice of evil people, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the Lord, and they study it day and night. They are like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do. But evil people are not like this at all; they are like straw that the wind blows away. Sinners will be condemned by God and kept apart from God's own people. The righteous are guided and protected by the Lord, but the evil are on the way to their doom.” (Bible, The Psalms: 1)
War and terrorism are human failings. Every person hates it. It breaks the social stability. Social control, brotherhood, peace all fall in trouble. All the religious scriptures teach us how to lead a life with peace. The Holy Quran express: “Fight against those who fight against you in the way of God, but do not transgress, for God does not love transgressors. …………………………….. Thus, if someone has attacked you, attack him just as he attacked you, and fear God and remain conscious that God is with those who guard against violating the bounds set by Him.” (2:190-194)
Jesus Christ, founder of Christianity, he laid more emphasized on peace, brotherhood, social harmony. He advised his apostles: “Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  (John 14:27)
Religion is a philosophy. It’s follower or adherents are the core thing. And to lead a moral life with peace and happiness human beings live together in a society. They help each other in order to co-existence. All the religions encourage people to live together as well as offer a social code to live with harmony.
Islam, in its literal sense means 'Submission', submission to the will of God. Muslims believe that Islam began at the time when God sent the first man- Adam to earth. After successive prophets like Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus the last Prophet, Mohammed was sent as the seal of the Prophets. All the Islamic prophets were social reformer. Holy Quran declares: O mankind! We created you from a single (pair of a) male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (one who is) the most righteous of you.... (49:13)
Every religion, it may be Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism, survive because of its followers. Religion helps us to lead a life with social unity by providing us a common code as well as ethical standards.
Family is considered as a social unit. Every person is living in a family bondage. It helps us to grow and bringing up our life in a successful manner. But in today’s scenario, our family bondage is breaking up. Reason working behind it that is lack of proper religious knowledge. All the religion laid great emphasize on family relationship.
Islam is a complete way of life. It considers the family the corner stone of Islamic society. It bases the atmosphere in the family on sacrifice, love, loyalty, and obedience. When we say "family" we mean the traditional definition of it namely husband, wife and children. Grandparents are also part of the extended Muslim family. If we contemplate the Quran we find that it refers to parents’ children relationships in four main places. Before it asks children to be good and loyal to their parents it requires parents to be extremely careful in upbringing their children. In other words it asks parents to do their duty before asking for their rights. The Holy Quran declares "And surely We gave Luqman wisdom saying Give thanks unto Allah; for whosoever gives thanks, he gives thanks for his soul. And whoever disbelieves, Allah is All-Independent, Worthy of Praise. …………………………… But if they strive with you to make you ascribe to Me as partner that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but deal with them nicely in the world and follow the path of him who repents to Me. Then unto Me will be your return, and I shall tell you of what you used to do." (Luqman-31)
Like Islam Christianity also laid emphasize on family. In Christian concept, as like Islam, the Family was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden. The Family is God's covenant arrangement where two people, male and female, are joined to one flesh, "For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh" (Gen. 2:24).
Christian scripture also said "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth" (Gen. 1:27-28).
Religion is universal. Religious affiliation in human mind is inherent themselves. Philosophers hold some criterion to considered religion as universal. First, it wouldn’t be limited within national boundary than it will hold preaching activities. In these regard we find only three religions as universal, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.
At last main focus of every religion is human being. And religion is like a guideline, it teach us how to live? How to treat with others? What is our duty? How we fulfill it? What is our destiny? etc. As a rational being we have some common duties. Firstly, we testify God as one and unique. We must declare His sovereignty. He is holding the sovereign power. We must obey His order. In this regard the Holy Quran declares: Say: He is Allah, the One and unique; Allah, the Eternal, and Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him. (112:1-4) Holy Quran also declares: Most exalted is GOD, the true Sovereign. There is no other god beside Him; the Most Honorable Lord, possessor of all authority. [23:116]
God in Christianity is the supreme creator and ruler of the universe. The Christian religion, like Judaism and Islam, maintains that there is only one God, who is active in and concerned about the world. The true nature of God is beyond human experience and understanding. However, Christians believe God is infinite-without beginning or end, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), benevolent (all-loving), eternal, unchanging, holy, perfect, and personal.
As a creature of the Creator, we are the servant of Allah. As a servant we are not free beyond Allah’s control. Allah is so kind. He offers some reward for us under condition, to obey Him.    Real happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world.  God has said in the Quran: Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest. (Quran, 13:28) Religion is everything but without believe in Allah, without obey His orders religious is nothing, Allah first, Allah last. Allah is everything. 

Religion Towards Evil and Sufferings

Because suffering is a burning fact of life, every religion takes care of it and considers it as a problem. But the reactions are not always same. Religions of Indian origin generally take the problem of suffering in a practical perspective and take it as their chief burden to point out ways and means for getting rid of suffering. Of course, in this connection they also point out the cause of suffering. Religions of Semitic origin, on the other hand, react to it in, more ort less, a theoretical perspective. They want to advance to explanation, a reason, of suffering. Why is suffering there at all? Or what can be its justification, when the world is taken as created and maintained by an omnipotent and benevolent God? Is the kind of problem which these religions somehow seek to answer. Zoroastrianism also seems to adapt this very perspective. Now, although in the details of such explanation, these religions differ, in essence, they all except that evil and suffering have been allowed by God for some good inherent purpose. The ways of God are mysterious and we human beings are not able to know his entire plan. Apparently, sufferings seem to be an evil, but really or ultimately that is not evil. God must have some good purpose behind that.
As cause of evil, Zoroastrianism and all the Semitic religions tend to hold a devil with all his evil spirits responsible. In Zoroastrianism, this devil is Ahriman, in Judaism and Christianity Satan, and in Islam Iblis. But then no religion seems disposed to take the devil as an independent force falling out of God’s control. So, ultimately, it is the omnipotent and benevolent God himself who becomes responsible for all evil and suffering. So the occasion for justification remains and all the religions advance some such justification in their own ways. Zoroastrianism seems to hold that the Ahura Mazda has allowed the forces of evil to work only with a moral purpose. Judaism and Christianity also seem to share to share in this explanation, although they have other explanations also. Islam shares in its explanation mainly with Judaism. Amidst many other explanations, Judaism holds that evil is a mystery, the real secret of which is known to God alone. In the main, exactly this explanation is given by Islam also. Further, both Islam and Judaism hold that God has allowed evil and suffering to test the intensity and sincerity of faith that man possess towards him. God rewards those who amidst all suffering do not disbelieve in Him, and bear the pinch in utmost piety. Thus evil is a test of moral and religious strength of man. A more or similar view is expressed by Sikhism also and when it asks its followers to take suffering as God’s gift and bear it with a sense of piety. However Sikhism extends its explanation further to point out that God has bestowed this gift upon man with a view to correct him. So the value of suffering is corrective. When man will suffer, he will give up the wrong course and adopt the right path. This reformatory character of suffering is sometimes emphasized in Judaism and Christianity also. The father-God of Christianity uses the stick of suffering to discipline His sons. Judaism and Islam also agree in taking evil and suffering as a mark of punishment to the erring man. But here as we have noted earlier, a problem a problem arises before both of these religions as to why even those have to suffer who are innocents. Sometimes we also finds that the innocents suffer and sinful rejoice. Here the justice of God falls in difficulty.
As Judaism and Christianity virtually form two stages of the same tradition, there is naturally much o0f affinity between the two regarding the explanation of evil. Besides the accepting the reformatory character of evil, which we have indicated above, both take evil as good in disguise. According to both of them evil is a signal for a better thing to come and therefore it is to be tolerated with patience, and not to be scorned. The history of Judaism shows that whenever the Jews suffered, they suffered only to come out with a greater faith and prospect. Similarly, the suffering of Christ on the cross and then his coning out triumphant by resurrection symbolize Christian view of suffering as a boon in disguise. The very birth of Jesus Christ is an example of the fact how evil is to be followed by greater good. Had not people suffered due to the Original sin of Adam, Christ would not have come down to earth as a redeemer. Thus evil is surely a boon in disguise. Then again both Judaism and Christianity, along with Zoroastrianism, emphasize the moral value of evil. God has knowingly allowed evil so that an occasion for moral progress of the world may arise and people may have an opportunity to exercise their freedom of will. If there were good alone, no occasion for moral effort on the part of man would have arisen.
Religion of the Indian tradition, as we have noted above, mainly possess a practical attitude towards suffering. Taking evil and suffering as fact, their main job seems to be pointing out ways and means so that people may be saved from suffering. However, all these religions point out the cause of suffering. Mainly, according to all of them, suffering is due to man’s own past karmas generated out of ignorance. In Sikhism, it is due to haumai, which is also virtually comes to the same. Human ignorance, lack of right knowledge is then the root cause of suffering. Buddhism and Jainism do not believe in any God therefore in them there is no question of God being responsible for evils. Hinduism, in so far as it is theistic, believes in God, but then it seems it is not disposed to impose the responsibility for evil upon God. Man suffers due to his own ignorance and past karmas. God does not want to transgress the law of karma and he has left it free to work. Sikhism sometimes tends to hold God directly responsible for evils, but then, as we have noted above, it takes them as the gift of God. God’s non-interference in the working of the law of karma may be compared here to the Christian view of God voluntarily imposing a limitation upon His omnipotence so as to grant freedom to human beings. There may also be marked a similarity between the Hindu view, also the Buddhist and Jaina, that man suffers due to ignorance and the Christian view that man suffers due to his original sin. The comparison consists in the fact that men suffer due to some element present in them from their very birth. It is due ignorance that man has to take birth and suffer. Similarly, it is due to the original sin that man had to take birth on earth to suffer. Moreover, although in both the cases it seems that man himself is directly responsible for his suffering, but really speaking it is God who is responsible. The ignorance in man is said to be beginning less in Hinduism and thus it must have been associated with Him by the Creator Himself. Man himself cannot be held responsible for his ignorance, because he comes to earth with ignorance attached with him from beforehand. Similarly, the original man Adam committed the sin due to the freedom of will given to him by God and so God Himself become responsible for the sin committed by him. God is omniscient and so knowing full well that Adam would misuse his freedom, why did He give freedom to him? Moreover the descendents of Adam are not or should not be responsible for the sin committed by him. Why should they suffer for the sin committed by their forefather? Taking birth with the burden of original sin, therefore, is not the direct responsibility of man, it is God who has attached the burden of sin with him. So in both the cases, virtually it is God who becomes directly or indirectly responsible for man’s suffering. But there is an important difference also. In Hinduism man suffers due to ignorance, i. e., due to lack of knowledge, In Christianity it is just the opposite- man suffers due to knowledge. Adam committed the original sin by eating the fruit of knowledge in the Eden garden and it is due to that he and his descendents suffer. But then this difference must not to be emphasized too much. Christianity does not take knowledge as the cause of suffering in the sense that ignorance will bring salvation. In Adam’s eating the fruit o0f knowledge against God’s will, what is importantly involved is not so much the acquiring the knowledge by Adam, but his disobedience of the will of God. It is this disobedience which is the real cause of suffering, and not the attainment of knowledge.
We have noted above that Hinduism makes man, rather than God, responsible for his suffering. But in ancient Hinduism, in the vedic Hinduism there are reference that show that evils and suffering of the people in the world are due to the working of the various evil sprits. There is also the reference of fight between the gods and the demons which is very much similar to the Zoroastrian conception of fight between the forces of good and evil. Moreover, in the Vedas there are also references showing that suffering is the result of the displeasure of some gods, who must be pleased through ritualistic acts. Even now, an average Hindu believes that happiness or sufferings of a man is directly the result of the pleasure of some gods or goddesses. However, the dominant note is that man suffer due to his own karmas.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Al-Qur’an: The Standing Miracle

The blend of admiration, respect, and affection that the Muslim feels for Muhammad is and impressive fact of history. They see him as a man who experienced life in exceptional range. Not only was he a merchant, hermit, exile, soldier, lawmaker, prophet-priest-king, and mystic; he was also an orphan, for many years the husband of one wife much older than himself, a many times bereaved father. In all of these roles he was exemplary. All this is in the minds of Muslims as they add to the mention of his name the benediction, "Blessings and peace be upon him." Even so, they never mistake him for the earthly center of their faith. That place is reserved for the scripture of Islam, the Qur’an.

Literally, the word al-qur'an in Arabic means a recitation. Fulfilling that purpose, the Quran is perhaps the most recited book in the world. Certainly, it is the world's most memorized book, and possibly the one that exerts the most influence on those who read it. So great was Muhammad's regard for its contents that he considered it the only major miracle God worked through him-God's "standing miracle," as he called it. That he himself, unschooled to the extent that he was unlettered and could barely write his name, could have produced a book that provides the ground plan of all knowledge and at the same time is grammatically perfect and without poetic peer this, Muhammad, and with him all Muslims, are convinced defies belief. He put the pint in a rhetorical question: "Do you ask for a greater miracle than this, O unbelieving people, than to have your language chosen as the language of that incomparable book, one piece of which puts all your golden poetry to shame?" (Edward Gibbon, the Decline and fall of the roman Empire)

            Muslims tend to read the Koran literally. They consider it the earthly facsimile of an Uncreated Koran in almost exactly the way that Christians consider Jesus to have been the human incarnation of God. The comparison that reads, "If Christ is God incarnate, the Koran is God Inlibriate"-from liber, Latin for book, is inelegant but not inaccurate. The created Koran is the instantiation, in letters and sounds, of the Koran's limitless essence in its Uncreated Form. Not that there are two Korans, of course. Rather, the created Koran is the formal crystallization of the infinite reality of the Uncreated Koran. Two levels of reality are operative here. There is the Divine Reality of the Uncreated Koran, and there is the earthly reality of the created Koran. When the created Koran is said to be a miracle, the miracle referred to is the presence of the Uncreated Koran within the letters and sounds of its created manifestation.

            The words of the Koran came to Muhammad in manageable segments over twenty-three years through voices that seemed at first to vary and sometimes sounds like "the reverberating of bells," but which gradually condensed into a single voice that identified itself as Gabriel's. Muhammad had no control over the flow of the revelation; it descended on him independent of his will. When it arrived he was changed on him independent of his will. When it arrived he was changed into a special state that was externally discernible. Both his appearance and the sound of his voice would change. He reported that the words assaulted him as if they were solid and heavy: "For We shall charge thee with a word of weight" (Al-Qur’an  73:5) Once they (sahabas) descended while he was riding a camel. The animal sought vainly to support the added weight by adjusting its legs. By the time the revelation ceased, its belly was pressed against the earth and its legs splayed out. The words that Muhammad exclaimed in these often trance-like states were memorized by his followers and recorded on bones, bark, leaves, and scraps of parchment, with God preserving their accuracy throughout.

            The Koran continues the Old and New Testaments (Taurat and Enjil), God's earlier revelations, and presents itself as their culmination: "We made a covenant of old with the Children of Israel [and] you have nothing of guidance until you observe the Torah and the Gospel" (Al-Qur’an 5:70, 68). This entitles Jews and Christians to be included with Muslims as "People of the Book." Because the context of the koranic revelation is the Middle East, religions of other lands are not mentioned, but their existence is implied and in principle validated, as in the following verses: "To every people we have sent a messenger ……………[Some] We have mentioned to you, and [Some] we have not mentioned to you" [Al-Qur’an 10:47, 4:164]). Nevertheless, Muslims regards the Old and New Testaments as sharing two defects from which the Koran is free. For circumstantial reasons they record only portions of Truth. Second, the Jewish and Christian Bibles were partially corrupted in transmission, a fact that explains the occasional discrepancies that occur between their accounts and parallel ones in the Koran. Exemption from these two limitations makes the Koran the final and infallible revelation of God's will. Its second chapter says explicitly: "This is the Scripture where of there is no doubt."

            From the outside things look otherwise, for from without the Koran is all but impenetrable. No one has ever curled up on a rainy weekend to read the Koran. Carlyle confessed that it was "as toilsome reading as I ever undertook; a wearisome, confused jumble, crude, incondite. Nothing but a sense of duty could carry any European through the Koran." Sir Edward Gibbon said much the same: "The European will peruse with impatience its endless incoherent rhapsody of fable and precept, and declamation, which seldom excites a sentiment or an idea, which sometimes crawls in the dust, and is sometimes lost in the clouds." How are we to understand the discrepancy of the Koran as read from within and from without?

            The language, in which it was proclaimed, Arabic, provides an initial clue. "No people in the world," Philip Hitti writes, "are so moved by the word, spoken or written, as the Arabs, Hardly any language seems capable of exercising over the minds of its users such irresistible influence as Arabic." Crowed in Cairo, Damascus, or Baghdad can be stirred to the highest emotional pitch by statements that, when translated, seem banal. The rhythm, melodic cadence, the rhyme produce a powerful hypnotic effect. Thus the power of the koranic revelation lies not only in the literal meaning of its words but also in the language in which this meaning incorporated, including its sound. The Koran was from the first a vocal phenomenon; we remember that we are here inseparably fuse, translations cannot possibly convey the emotion, the fervor, and the mystery that the Koran holds in the original. This is why, in sharp contrast to Christians, who have translated their Bible into every known script, Muslims have preferred to teach others the language in which they believe God spoke finally with incomparable force and directness.       

            Language, however, is not the only barrier the Koran presents to outsiders, for in content too it is like no other religious text. Unlike the Upanishads, it is not explicitly metaphysical. It does not ground its theology in dramatic narratives as the Indian epics do, nor in historical ones as do the Hebrew Scriptures; nor is God revealed in human form as in the Gospels and the Bhagavad-Gita. Confining ourselves to the Semitic scriptures, we can say that whereas the Old and New Testaments are directly historical and indirectly doctrinal, the Koran is directly doctrinal and indirectly historical. Because the overwhelming thrust of the Koran is to proclaim the unity, omnipotence, omniscience, and mercy of God-and correlatively the total dependence of human life upon him - historical facts are in its case merely reference points that have scarcely any interest in them. This explains why the prophets are cited without any chronological order; why historical occurrences are sometimes recounted so elliptically as to be unintelligible without commentaries; and why the biblical stories that the Koran refers to are presented in an unexpected, abbreviated, and dry manner. They are stripped of their epic character and inserted as didactic examples of the infinitely various things that declare God's praise. When the Lore-servant relationship is the essential point to get across, all else is but commentary and allusion.

            Perhaps we shall be less inclined to fault the Koran for the strange face it presents to foreigners if we note that foreign scriptures present their own problems to Muslims. To speak only of the Old and New Testaments, Muslims express disappointment in finding that those texts do not take the form of Divine speech and merely report things that happened. In the Koran God speaks in the first person. Allah describes himself and makes known his laws. The Muslim is therefore inclined to consider each individual sentence of the Holy Book as a separate revelation and to experience the words themselves, even their sounds, as a means of grace. "The Qur'an does not document what is other than itself. It is not about the truth: it is the truth."  (Kenneth Crag, trans. Reading in the Quran)By contrast the Jewish and Christian Bibles seem more distant from God for placing religious meaning in reports of events instead of God's direct pronouncements.

            The Koran's direct delivery creates, for the reader, a final problem that in other scriptures is eased by greater use of narrative and myth. One discerning commentator on the Koran puts these points as follows: "The seeming incoherence of the text has its cause in the incommensurable disproportion between the Spirit and the limited resources of human language. It is as though the poverty-stricken coagulation which is the language of mortal man were under the formidable pressure of the Heavenly Word broken into a thousand fragments, or as if God in order to express a thousand truths, had but a dozen words at his command and so was compelled to make use of allusions heavy with meaning, of ellipses, abridgements and symbolical syntheses." (Frithjof Schuon, understanding Islam)  

            Putting comparisons behind us, it is impossible to overemphasize the central position of the Koran in the elaboration of any Islamic doctrine. With large portions memorized in childhood, it regulates the interpretation and evaluation of every event. It is a memorandum for the faithful, a reminder for daily doings, and a repository of revealed truth. It is a manual of definitions and guarantees, and at the same time a road map for the will. Finally, it is a collection of maxims to meditate on in private, deepening endlessly one's sense of the divine glory. "Perfect is the Word of your Lord in truth and justice" (Al-Qur’an 6:115).  

Friday, January 28, 2011

Woman Empowerment in Islam

Women are suppressed, oppressed; they have no equal position in society like man. Islam restrains women from their rights. We are accustomed with such objection about woman’s position in Islam. Someone claims that Islam dishonor woman and treat her as inferior. But the Holy Qur’an declared “And their Lord has accepted (their prayers) and answered them (saying): ‘Never will I cause to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female; you are members, one of another… (3:195).”
The status of woman in Islam is unique. Islam is the religion which saves the new born female baby from being buried. Islam gives woman her proper position in society and honor him with high respect as mother. Before discussing the position and empowerment of woman in Islam let me sketch a scenario of woman’s position before Islam.
In pre-Islamic period woman was regarded as the source of sin and moral and spiritual depravity in India. An Indian wife used to call her husband ‘my lord’ or even ‘my god’ as he is regarded as her earthly god. She never ate with him. She had to follow a few yards behind him when both walked together. She was the chattel of her husband and submits to her children. The rule of inheritance was agnatic. They were looked upon sexual relationships between man and woman as loathsome and evil.
In Greek, women were forced to marry without her consent. They were bound to obey their male kinsmen. Women in Greece were three types 1. Prostitute, who are for man’s satisfaction only. 2. The mistresses and their main task were to look after the body and health of their lords, husband. 3. The third group was the wives whose duty was to bear and bring up children and look after them in the same way as nannies do. Their status never rose higher than that.
A Roman woman was something like a purchased property of her husband. Thus she was like a slave acquired solely for her lord’s benefits. She was not allowed to take part in any civil or public affairs. That is to say, she could not be a trustee, a witness. She was just piece furniture to decorate a man’s abode. During those days if a woman married, she and her property passed into the power of husband.
On the ground of woman position in Islam in the question of social equality someone argued that social position of Muslim woman as inferior on the basis of Islamic teachings of guardianship of marriage, polygamy, divorce, and purda. An objection is often raised in regard the system of marriage that the parents choose a husband for the girl and she is to be allowed him as her husband.
But, Islam totally rejects the notion that man is dignified and honored because he is man and woman is low and mean simply because she is woman. Both man and woman are equal in the light of Islam. Neither the inferiority of anyone nor superiority of anybody. The Holy Quran declared that “Whoever works righteousness, man and woman, and has faith, verily, to him will we give a new life that is good pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions” (16:97)
Islam assigns different activity for both, man and woman.The field of man is outside the home and for woman is her house. Generally two objections are focused against woman’s position in Islam. First one is the great responsibility of household affairs and second one is because of the first claim woman are confined in her house. They argued that Islam restrain woman from social and economic development, public affairs activities.
Islam highlights that the proper place for woman is her house, not market. For the basic and moral education and training of the child mother is more suitable.
It has become an established fact that there is no better nourishment for a child than the milk of mother. If a mother does not stay at home and engage herself in outside activities, she cannot set herself for breast feeding. And a child grows up without proper nourishment where woman is designed as nation maker. In the honor of woman prophet (sm) said “A man who has a daughter and he neither despises her nor buried her alive nor prefer son to daughter, Allah will admit him in heaven.” (abu daud)
According to Islam, society is responsible for the protection of human rights. Islam permits woman, within the limits of sariah, to participate in the economic affairs. No one interfere in this matter. Even her husband has no right to make use of her personal wealth. The Quran has declared “And covet not the thing in which Allah hath made some of you excel other. Unto man a fortune from that which they have earned and unto woman a fortune from that which they have earned. But ask Allah for his bounty. Allah is full knowing of all things.” (4:32)
Islam has granted equal rights to both, man and woman. It provides equal opportunity to both of them for the progress and prosperity of life. It guarantees the protection of their lives, property and honor. Islam declares “They are raiment for you and you are raiment for them” (2:187)
Acquiring knowledge is highly emphasized in Islam. This is an integral part of Islam. In the case of acquiring knowledge, have no any distinction based on sex. Both, male and female, are equally emphasized. Prophet (sm) said: “To acquire knowledge is compulsory on all believers, both, male and female” (Fath-al-kabil) Holy prophet also said “seek knowledge from the cradle to the graveyard.” These hadith has revealed a message that there has no distinction between man and woman. There is a view in ordinary Muslim that woman is not allowed to go to mosque for prayer. But holy prophet (sm) said: “When a wife of one of you asks for permission for go to mosque, she should not be refused” (Muslim and Bukhari)
The women who wants to go to mosque for prayer, was neither allowed to mix with men in the congregation nor stand in the front rows. There is a clear statement of prophet (sm) “The best place for woman is at the rear”
Islam provides full protection to rights of woman. The rights granted to her by Islamic shariah cannot be taken away by any man. Once, a man had married his daughter with a rich man. But the girl did not like him, so she complained to the Holy prophet and said “My father has married me with his wealthy nephew so that he may get some benefits.” The Holy prophet replied “If you do not like this marriage, then you are free” She replied, “I uphold my father’s decision. By this complaint I intended to tell my fellow woman that their fathers have no right to marry them against their will” (Musnad Ahmad)
Islam does not lay any restriction on spiritual, social, economic and political activities of woman. The Holy Quran declared “Every soul will be held in pledge for its deeds” (74:38)
Islam granted the right of independent ownership of economic rights to woman. Islam has laid down certain condition as a code of conduct for her to be strictly observed in every economic effort. A woman is basically responsible for the management of her household. She is the caretaker of the children. Therefore, it will not to be permissible for her to take any kind of financial activities which may be burden or as obstacle on her prime duties and responsibilities. She is not allowed at any work outside home where free mixing with man is unavoidable.
With due regard to these restrictions, rather we should say ‘the safety limits’ she can enter any permitted work. The Holy Quran addressed: “And covet not the thing in which Allah hath made some of you excel other. Unto man a fortune from that which they have earned and unto woman a fortune from that which they have earned. But ask Allah for his bounty. Allah is full knowing of all things.” (4:32)
Whatever a woman gets from her parents, husband and offspring under the law of Islamic shariah or whatever she obtains through her own economic efforts, she is rightful owner of it all, and is entitled to spend it as she likes.
Before the advent of Islam women didn’t possess any right. They were treated as a matter of recreation. The new born female child was buried alive. In this situation Islam gave the right to live. The Prophet (sm) declared: “The person who brings up to daughters until they attain maturity, on the day of reckoning, he and I will be like this. And saying these words he brought his fingers together” (Muslim)
When Islam appears in Arabia, woman held a very low position in society. They were slaves and chattel. When a man, having many wives, died, they were inherited by his sons like moveable property. It was a mark of dishonor for any man to have a daughter. But the religion of peace, Islam declared: “They have rights similar to those against them, in a just manner” (2:228) The Holy Quran asserted the dignity of woman: “They are apparel for you, and you are apparel for them” (2:188)
In regard to religious duties, The Quran recognizes no distinction between man and woman. Their obligations towards Allah are similar as man. The position of both, male and female is equal in the eye of Allah. The Holy Quran declares: “Men shall benefit what they achieve and acquire and woman shall benefit what they achieve and acquire” (4:32)
The position of woman is secure as far as inheritance is concerned. Although women have given half the share of man, their financial situation in the long term is guaranteed. This is due to the fact that the marriage contract gives her the right to ask for mahr as well as claim maintenance.
Marriage in Islam regarded as a strong bond and a total commitment to life, to society and to being respectable human. Islam views marriage as a natural course for woman in the same way as it is for man. Marriage guarantees woman some form of economic security. The Quran declares: “Marry among woman who is lawful to you” (4:3)
Islam holds importance on monogamy but in some special circumstances Islam allows polygamy under a strict condition that man must be able to be fair and just to each of them. If he is not able to be so, he should marry only one wife. The Quran declares: “And if you have no reason to fear that you might not act equitably towards orphans, then marry from among other women such as are lawful to you, even two, three, or four: but if you have reason to fear that you might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then only one or from among those whom you rightfully posses. This will make it more likely that you will not deviate from the right course” (4:3)
The conditions for polygamy are:
  • When a wife is barren and cannot bear children, but the husband want children.
  • If the first wife is chronically ill and she is unable to carry out her marital and household duties.
Polygamy may be the solution to the problems of a society which has more women than men.
Islam does not treat with woman as commodity which can be purchased. She has an independent identity. After marriage the first obligation upon a man in regard to his wife is to give her mahr fixed at the time of marriage. The mahr is no way a payment for conjugal rights. Conjugal rights are far too precious to be equated with what is normally given as mahr. The amount of mahr is in a fact, a token sum of money, which is symbolizes in material form, and the responsibility that a man has to fulfill is regarded to his wife till his last breath. The Quran declared: “And give the woman their mahr as a free gift” (4:4)
Islam regards that woman must cover their whole body except face, hands and feet while inside the house. But they are also required to cover their whole body including a part of the face while going out or meeting adult males, outsides close relatives. Some Islamic jurists allow the face to remain uncovered. The Quran declared: “O Children of Adam! Indeed, we have bestowed upon you from the high [the knowledge of making] garments to cover your nakedness, and as a thing of beauty: but the garment of God-consciousness is the best of all. Herein lies a message from God, so that man might take it to heart” (7:26)
As mother woman is treated with great respect in Islam. The noble Quran enjoins Muslims to show to their mother and serve them well even if they are still unbelievers.
Hazrat Abu Huraira reported that “once a man come to Prophet and asked who deserves the best care from me? The Prophet replied your mother (he repeated three times) than your father than your relatives.”
Women also have political rights in Islam. The Quran declared: “The men and the women they are supporters of each other” (9:71)
Supporters not only socially – even politically – Politically, men and women should support each other. Islam gives women the right to vote. The Quran declared: “O Prophet when the believing women come to thee with an oath of fealty”. (60:12)
Here, the word oath is translated in Arabic as ‘Bayat’ – And ‘Bayat’ means much more than our modern, present day elec­tion, – because Prophet (sm), he was not only the messenger of Allah, but he was also the head of the state.
And women came to the Prophet and they agreed with him being the head of the state.
So Islam gives the woman even the right to vote and can even take part in law making.
And according to the famous Hadith in which Hazrat Umar (r), he was discussing with the Sahabas, and considering putting an upper limit on the ‘Meher ’, since young men were discouraged from getting married – a lady from the back seat she objected and said When the Qur’an says in Surah Nisa that “you can even give a heap of treasure, a heap of gold in ‘Meher”, when Qur’an puts no limit on ‘Meher’, who is Umar to put a limit.And immediately Hazrat Umar (r) he said “Umar is wrong and the lady is right”.Women have even taken part in the battle fields.
There is a full chapter in the Sahih Bukhari mentioning women in the battle field – Women gave water – they give first aid to the soldiers
And there is a particu­lar mention of a woman by the name of Nasiba, who were among the few, who protected our beloved Prophet during the battle of Ohud
Because the Qur’an says ‘Man is the protector of the ‘Woman.’
Under normal circumstances, the women should not go to the battle field. It is the duty of the man. Only when required, under necessi­ty are women allowed – and they should go to the battle field – Otherwise not.
Now I want to make conclusion with an example. Islam believes in equality between men and women. Suppose in a classroom 2 students, student ‘A’ and ‘B’, during an examination both come out first – Both score 80 out of 100. Out of the hundreds of students, 2 come out first ‘A’ and ‘B’. When you analyze the question paper, the question paper has 10 differ­ent questions, each carrying 10 marks. In question 1 student ‘A’ got 9 out of 10, and student ‘B’ got 7 out of 10 – So in question 1 student ‘A’ was higher than student ‘B’. In question 2, student ‘A’ got 7 out of 10 and student ‘B’ got 9 out of 10,
- Student ‘B’ was higher than student ‘A’ in question number 2. In question 3 both of them got 8 out of 10, both were equal. So when we add up the marks of all the ten questions, both student ‘A’ and ‘B’ got 80 out of 100. So in short, student ‘A’ and student ‘B’ are over all equal. In some question ‘A’ is higher than ‘B’, in some question ‘B’ is higher than ‘A’, in others both is equal.

Democracy and Islam

Defining democracy
Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by their representatives, and the rulers are held accountable for their actions to the public realm. Thomas Jefferson defined democracy as liberty and argued that without liberty life was not worth living. Famous English poet Eliot defined democracy as the most sanctified political term, and over time it has left almost no enemy. Even today nobody dares to talk against democracy. Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as the government of the people, by the people, for the people. In sum, the purpose of democracy is to establish a social order based on justice. Nonetheless, the success of democracy depends on existence of a large middle class and the development of political culture where people from all form of life can freely participate in the political process to select their leader who is committed to work and live in competition, co-operation and compromise, and not in confrontation and enmity.
Defining Islam
The term Islam is an Arabic word derives from another two Arabic words: “Salam” meaning peace and “Silm” meaning submission. Therefore the meaning of Islam is peace which could be achieved through the submission to the will of Almighty ALLAH. Frithjof Schuon introduced Islam, in his book understanding Islam, as the meeting between Allah and man. Islam, therefore, stands for a commitment to surrender men will to the will of Almighty Allah. In the historical meaning of Islam, Yousuf Ali explained in his book: The meaning of glorious Qur’an, all religion was one, for the truth is one, and only the identity differs such as the Muslims, Christians and so on. It was the religion preached by the earlier prophets and the truth taught by all the inspired books. In essence it amounts to a consciousness of the will and plan of Allah and a submission to that will and plan.
Democracy in Islam
Islam or submission to Allah is defining as the faith and peace as the teachings of the Qur’an: for realization of human worth and as a way of life, teaches social ethics, morality, and virtues such as honesty, kindness, wisdom and righteousness. Again, the Holy Quran warns against jealousy, anger and asked for extend charity, pardon men, enjoining what is right and forbidden what is wrong.
With such prescription Islam stands for personal salvation and individual destiny. The Holy Quran determines individual’s relationship with Allah by performing certain duties and rights. Every human being, men and women, are alone responsible to God for what he or she does. The Holy Quran declares: surely, we have sent my representatives on earth. Again it declares: and I did not created jinn and mankind to do anything without my prayer. The Holy Quran also declares: whatever good a person earn is for his own benefit, and whatever evil he earns is only against him. (4:85). Individual responsibility is insisted on as the keynote of Islam.
For a conduct a moral human life, the concept of tolerance, freedom equality has been strongly enforced in Islam. Holy Quran declares: There be no compulsion is religion (2:256).
Islam does not permit the use of force on others to accept anything. To every people we have appointed rites and ceremonies which they must follow (22:67). The principle of Islam “unto you your religion and unto me mine” falsifies the inaccurate interpretations that Islam is intolerant, a religion of sword, and confirms Islam’s broad band of liberalism. Islam opposes any kind of compulsion, suppression, oppression, rejects all forms of discrimination and inequality on the grounds of religious identity, race, color and sex. It firmly believes in the complex equality of human being.
Islam has laid down universal fundamental rights for humanity. The main teaching of Quran is to establish freedom and liberty, Freedom and liberty from oppressions, injustice and inequality. One of the great misinterpretations of Islam is, Islam consider woman as inferior to man and it does not offer equal rights of man and woman. But we see one of the main campaigns of prophet (sm) was to establishment of equal status for the woman. The holy Quran declares: women shall have rights similar to men (2:228). Like all other equal position, Islamic marriage is a civil contract between equals, terminable by the will of either party. Despite the equality of man and woman as husband and wife, Quran declares: men have a degree of advantage over women, because Allah has made men as the caretaker of women, and has given them more strength, because they support them from their means. It has been done to establish social balance. John L. Esposito has wrote in his book Islam: the straight path “the Quranic reforms gave rights of inheritance to wives, daughters, sisters and grandmothers of the deceased, all of whom had before no status and rights”. M. M. Pikthal comments on his book the cultural side of Islam that the prophet of Islam is the greatest feminist the world has ever known. He also comments that the law of Islam, the sharia, as sacred and as the law of kindness, and is greater than the rules laid down at any periods, that women rights increased with her responsibility.
The citizens in an Islamic state have the right to differ means the right to give free opinion and settle down your differences by mutual consultation and on majority opinion. This confirms that the existence of opposition parties in the Islamic political system. Holy Quran declares: And consult with them upon the conduct of affairs (3:59). Consultation is needed. Abdullah Yousuf Ali explained in his book the meaning of holy Quran that the conduct in human life should be open and determined by mutual consultation between those who are entitled to a voice, i.e. in private domestic affairs, as between husband and wife, or other responsible member of the household; in affairs of business as between partners or parties concerned; and in state affairs, as between different departments of government. Islamic state should be based on the concept of the people or through consultation among themselves. However, the Quran itself or prophet even did not define about succession; so the succession of government or authority has to be resolved by the political concepts of Quran. Manzur Ahmad has wrote in his book Islamic political system in modern age: theory and practice the Islamic concepts- ummah, shariah, shura, and khuruj provide a set of norms which are quite consistent with the operative ideals of modern liberal democracy, and these can very well be realized within the framework of contemporary forms of democratic government.
The conduct of governance on the basis of mutual consultation is possible only when the citizens enjoy freedom and democratic rights. The people in a true Islamic state should, therefore, be in possession of freedom and equality of opportunity. The Quranic message clearly stands against dictatorship and oppressor. The rulers in an Islamic state should be elected, and enjoy the consent and confidence of the people.
In an Islamic state as in democracy too, the representatives of the people are to be the servant of the people and not their master. Rule by representatives and consultations means there should be a parliament or consultative body, and all the matters relating to the state and government must be discussed in the forum or house as is done in a democratic system. This marks the government of an Islamic state subordinate to the law and confirms the supremacy of the law against theological practices in some Islamic countries. The great Islamic scholar, Imam Abu Hanifa, opposed the use of force as illegitimate and argued that the true khaliphat depends on the consultation with the people. Imam Abu Hanifa demanded for independent judiciary free from the influence of executive authority. He argued for such power to judiciary that judges should apply powers to the rulers if the rulers interfere in the rights of the people, an idea that large part of the modern world is struggling to implement.
Islam also believes in a free competitive economy, a necessary condition for democratic growth. The Holy Quran says: of the bounties of thy lord we bestow freely on all- These as well as those; the bounties of the lord are not closed (17:20). This means that Islam encourages economic enterprise.
In state affairs, sovereignty of Allah Vs. sovereignty of people is the most important but ongoing debate concerning Islam and democracy. Democracy stands on popular sovereignty while most Islamic interpreters claim that the sovereignty of state belongs to Allah. Sovereignty of Allah again and again has uttered in holy Quran “that to Allah belonged the domain of the heavens and the earth” (2:107). Allah has uttered in Holy Quran that to Allah belong the domain of heaven and the earth (2:107). Allah has power over all things (5:40). Such verses in the Quran clearly tells us that the sovereignty of Allah is universal and do not limit to the state only. According to Islam, human beings are the representative of Allah. The holy Quran declares: Allah has said I want to create my representatives on earth Holy Quran says It is He who has made you His agents, inheritors of the earth (2:30)
On this point professor D. Rothermund pointed out that the temporal sovereignty of people is not in contradiction with universal and divine sovereignty of people resists the rise of any undemocratic authority, and Islam too, there is no scope for any unconstitutional or arbitrary government.
After above discussion the relationship of Islam and democracy disprove the existing stereotype that Islam is not democratic. Huntington’s argument that Islam is congenial to democratic atmosphere. Since Islam rejects the hereditary principles of politics, equality would constitute the basis of representative government. Quranic verses on liberty and freedom, right to differ, consultation and consensus, majority opinion, compromise, tolerance, equality of male and female are the basis of modern democracy. In the light of above discussion I may conclude that Islam and democracy both are inter-related. Basic concepts of Islam and the elements of modern democracy are the same.

In search of religion: Bangladesh Perspective

Bangladesh is a land of religion. From its very beginning this land was dominated by different religious community. During the reign of Gupta dynasty was dominated by Hindu community, Pala dynasty was by Buddhist and Sena was by Hindu community. And from 1204 till now it was dominated by Muslim community. Though the largest part of population of this land is Muslim but the follower of different community are living here with harmony and love. Here have Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhist and so on but the true practice of religions are quiet absent. The core and common teaching of every religions is to establish peace in society through following their religious scripture, on the other hand, they submit themselves to the will of Ultimate truth; Allah, God, Ishwar or Nirvana. To this purpose all of them have in many cases distinct pathway but the common ground is belief in an Unseen and Ultimate reality.
Belief is something theoretical and sometime obscure. The true reflection of belief is in its practice. In today’s scenario religions have confined into mosque, church, temple etc and turned as an individual affair. As a student of religion, as much as I know that religions have no scope to be confined into worship house or have no change to be a matter of individual affair. It’s a collective activity and worked communally. One of the great practice of every religions is to love neighbor is quiet absent but religious scriptures said that; Bible said “You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18). Loving neighbor is one of the two greatest commandment of Christianity, Eight times in the Bible are told to love our neighbor, one of the Bible's most repeated commands. Among the ten greatest commandment of Judaism last five commandments are about the dealings with neighbor, You shall not murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor; You shall not covet. Islamic practice about neighbor is A report that Abdullah ibn Amr, a companion who was well versed in Hadith had a sheep slaughtered. He repeatedly asked his servant: “Have you sent some meat as a present to our Jewish neighbour?” When he said that several times, he added: “I have heard Allah’s messenger (Pbuh) saying: “Gabriel has repeatedly recommended me to be good to my neighbor until I have thought that he would include him among my heirs.” In Hinduism Love of the neighbor is a fundamental requirement for a functioning Hindu who aspires for final liberation from this world. Any injury or insult inflicted upon the other soul is ultimately injury inflicted on oneself—or worse still, the higher being. Neighborly love is integral for one's social existence in this world. The Anusana Parva (113:8) in Mahabharata encapsulates this wisdom and dictates that one should be unselfish and not behave toward others in a way that is disagreeable to oneself. And Buddhism said that “Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill” (Detachment and Compassion in Early Buddhism by Elizabeth J. Harris,
Instances of love towards neighbor may be taken from the history of religious leaders that prophet (sm) had forgiven all the Makkan citizens during the victory of Makka who were the greatest threat for his life and ideology. A pious Christian woman named Marry Magdalena who was a prostitute but Jesus Christ helped her to be turned into the right path through love. Great hindu leader Pravu Jagatbandhu helped a prostitute community to be guided through religious principles only by love. This type of instances is nothing than being a drop of an instances ocean.
In Bangladesh have three types of people based on economy; upper class, middle class and lower class. Among these the people of lower class are the most sufferer but they are the chief wheel of production. Poverty become a part of their life on the other hand minor society of upper class gradually becoming more richer. Lower people become inferior in honor but superior in work. And in most of the cases they have no enough ability to maintain their daily needs. Most of the time they suffer because of lack of food, lack of cloths even sometime they lost their shelter. But the religious leaders have no headeqye. They are busy to introduce themselves as the bearer of his/her religious faiths besides neglecting this large vulnerable community. Bangla Poush and Magh months is the winter season for Bangladesh. Many people suffer mostly due to lace of warm cloths. For them have no any ability to buy warm cloths, they have no shelter, they live in the open sky. Sometimes political parties distribute some blankets but it’s few then reality. Atlast, Bangladesh High court directed the government to distribute warm cloths for the needy people. (The Daily Star, 2010-01-05) In this case religious teachings expose that: Bible says that “And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother. And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up. Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich. And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Luke 18:18-25) To help others prophet (sm) encouraged his follower and said : Narrated Hakim bin Hizam that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: The upper hand is better than the lower hand (i.e. he who gives in charity is better than him who takes it). One should start giving first to his dependents. And the best object of charity is that which is given by a wealthy person (from the money which is left after his expenses). And whoever abstains from asking others for some financial help, Allah will give him and save him from asking others, Allah will make him self-sufficient. (Bukhari) Holy Quran also say that “Those needy ones who are wholly wrapped up in the cause of Allah, and who are hindered from moving about the earth in search of their livelihood especially deserve help. He who is unaware of their circumstances supposes them to be wealthy because of their dignified bearing, but you will know them by their countenance, although they do not go about begging of people with importunity. And whatever wealth you will spend on helping them, Allah will know of it.” (2:273) In this context Hindu religious scripture Bhagavad Gita say that “In the beginning the creator created human beings together with selfless service (Seva, sacrifice) and said: By serving each other you shall prosper and the sacrificial service shall fulfill all your desires.” (3.10)
Another problem for this religious harmonious country is Eve Teasing. In Last two years the rate of eve teasing is high. In reaction against eve teasing 13th june has been designated “Eve Teasing protection dey” by ministry of education in Bangladesh. Executive didector of ASK Suktana Kamal said that "Some victims find suicide is the only avenue that enables them to escape this social pandemic, the situation is very frightening. The suicides of 14 girls are an alarming sign of the times. If it is not controlled, we women can no longer live in society with any dignity." ( )
This is a country where about 99 per cent people believe in God and follow their respective religion. But question is; where is religion? When 99 per cent people follow his or her faith then why this happen? Answer is though mostly people belief in religion but they do not practice their religion truly for worldly desire. Let us see what religions say about Eve teasing. Holy Scripture of Islam “Al Qur’an” says that And do not go anywhere near adultery: it is an outrage, and an evil path. (Al Qur’an 17:32) Quran also says that “And those who undeservedly insult believing men and women will bear the responsibility of slander and obvious sin” (Al Qur’an 33:58) Christian scripture “New Testament” says that “You have heard that how it was said, you shall not commit adultery. But I say this to you, if you look at a woman lustfully; he has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye should be your downfall, tear it out and throw it away; for it will do you less harm to lose one part of yourself than to have your whole body thrown into hell. And if your right hand should be your downfall, cut it off and throw it away; for it will you do less harm to lose one part of yourself than to have your whole body go to hell.” (Matthew 5:27-30)
Another great misuse of religion is its wrong practice in society. A portion of Ulema give thair judge in against of fornication that female will be flogged more times and applied it as the teaching of Islam. But as far as I know that Islamic rule for fornication is not supposed for non-Islamic state. State is the sole authority for applied this Islamic rule. But, due to the lack of proper Islamic knowledge Islam grow as a controvertial and brutal religion through this type of wrong practice.
In Christian society, follower of Jesus Christ called him as Lord. They venerate him as one of the important part of Catholic Christian concept of Trinity of God. They disclose him as the media between man and God. In some extent they consider him as the son of God and God Himself is Jesus’ spiritual father. But Christian scripture stand against it. New Testament says that “It is not anyone who says to me Lord, Lord, who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my father in Heaven. When the day comes many will say to me, Lord,Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, drive out demons in your name? Then I shall tell them to their faces: I have never known you; away from me all evil doers.” In this respect Charles Guignbert had written in his book Jesus that “He was servant of God, then in the hands of Greeks Jesus became the son of God” (Jesus, Trans. Joel Carmichael, P, 125)
In conclusion, About 70 per cent war in the history ware happened due to religious misunderstanding. (Prof. K. M. Saad Uddin) On the other hand most peaceful society of the world’s history was under religion, the rulling life of prophet (SM). So, I think, to live in a peaceful society have no alternative of proper religious understanding and its implication. In Bangladesh most of the people have love and emotion towerds his/her religion but in most of the cases have no proper knowledge of their own faith, which is sole responsible for social discrimination. I believe that only true practice of religion makes a society worthy.